Highlights of the rules of the road for bicycles

A bicycle is defined as a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, that is propelled by the muscular power of the person who is on it. A cyclist, according to the Rules, qualifies as a cyclist and a road user, and accordingly is obliged to know and comply with: the requirements of the Rules related to them, traffic signals, signs and markings.

Technical requirements

The bicycle must have serviceable brakes, steering wheel and horn, be equipped with reflectors:

  • in front – a retroreflector and a lantern or headlight (for driving at night and in
  • conditions of insufficient visibility) of white color;
  • on the sides – with an orange reflector;
  • rear – retroreflector or red lamp


Bicycles should move only on the extreme right lane of the carriageway, if possible to the right, in one row. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians.

  • If there are bike lanes, cyclists must use them. If the cycle path crosses the road outside the intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles moving on the road.
  • The movement of bicycles (as well as any other vehicles) on sidewalks and footpaths is prohibited, but in practice, cyclists on the sidewalk are treated quite leniently.

Columns of cyclists when moving along the carriageway should be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m. Cyclists, moving in groups, must ride one after the other so as not to interfere with other road users.

While driving on the carriageway, before starting to move, stopping, changing lanes, turning or turning around, cyclists are required to give warning signals, namely:

  • turn or rebuild to the right: outstretched right arm, or extended and bent at the elbow left *.
  • turning or rebuilding to the left: outstretched left arm, or extended and bent at the elbow right *.
  • stop: raised hand (any).

*However, it is not recommended to use alternative methods (where the arm is bent) – drivers may not understand.

It is also recommended to give a left turn signal when rounding a motor vehicle (cars) parked at the right edge of the lane.
When riding in a group, another sign is used, not for motorists, but for cyclists riding behind.

  • pits on the right: the right hand lowered down.
  • pits on the left: left hand lowered down.

It is necessary to give a hand signal in advance and stop immediately before the start of the maneuver. When riding in a group, the leader gives the signs first, the members of the group immediately repeat them.


Bicycle riders are prohibited from:

  • ride without holding the steering wheel, take your feet off the pedals (footboards);
  • hold on to another vehicle while driving;
  • carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7 years, on an additional seat equipped with securely fixed footrests;
  • transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.4 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, interferes with driving a vehicle and creates obstacles for other road users;
  • move on sidewalks and footpaths (except for children under 7 years old on children’s bicycles under adult supervision);
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

Therefore, to make a left turn, you need to:

  • a) drive straight through the intersection, turn around in the right lane of the road being crossed, and, at the traffic light signal, go straight through the intersection again; or b) get off your bike and cross the road at a pedestrian crossing;
    move on highways;
  • move on roads for cars, as well as on the carriageway, if there is a bicycle path nearby;
  • drive on the road at night (and / or in conditions of insufficient visibility) without the headlights and reflectors on;
  • towing bicycles, as well as bicycles, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle.

Additional requirements

For cyclists, local executive authorities may install a card in which information about the driver is entered and which, in this case, cyclists must have with them.


At intersections, the usual priority rules apply. So, a car moving on a secondary road must give way to a bicycle moving on the main one. At an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads, a trackless vehicle that has no obstacles on the right has an advantage, that is, at such an intersection, a car approaching from the left must give way to a cyclist.

But at an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection.

You give way to all vehicles moving on this road.

At controlled intersections, cyclists must obey the signals of special bicycle traffic lights, and in their absence, the signals of ordinary transport traffic lights (not pedestrian).

A car turning right must give way to a cyclist moving straight next to it on the same road.

When turning, it should also be taken into account that the turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageway, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic. When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.

Passage of pedestrian crossings

At regulated pedestrian crossings, cyclists must obey the signals of bicycle or general transport traffic lights, as well as traffic controllers.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, cyclists, like all other drivers, must give way to pedestrians. You should also give way to pedestrians walking towards or away from a tram that has stopped at a stop (from the side of the doors), if the tram tracks go along the carriageway.